Home > Mattresses for cows > Comfort +
Combine durability and comfort by adding a 25mm layer of latex to your mattress with Confort +.
Optimizes sleeping comfort
Shank reduction
Reducing ammonia emissions
Adding an extra layer of latex
Accompanies the cow's movements
Combine durability and comfort with the Comfort+ option.
By adding a further 25 mm, your mattress reaches a total thickness of 65 mm.
This latex layer follows the cows' movements, especially when rising, and thus improves their daily comfort.
Over time, the acidity of the silage causes the concrete in the troughs to deteriorate. Cleaning becomes more difficult, and cleanliness is no longer guaranteed. The trough itself can become a source of contamination.
Providing your animals with maximum well-being helps optimize their performance. In this respect, paying close attention to soil quality reduces the risk of lameness.
Leg cleanliness is an essential factor in good cow health. A study by the Institut de l'Elevage (French livestock institute) has shown that the installation of mats Magellan, coupled with frequent and effective scraping, brought the following benefits
Bioret Agri develops equipment designed for the well-being of dairy cows, with solutions for lying down, moving around and thermal comfort.
Bioret Agri 2024