Home > Cow mattresses > Ultimate XL
Add length to your mattresses to adapt them to your breeding.
Suitable for large cows
Shank reduction
Reducing ammonia emissions
Longer mattresses for larger cows
Save up to 100mm more
Bioret Agri cow mattresses are adjustable from 1700 to 1800 mm, depending on the inflation level of the kneeboard.
And depending on the breed and genetics of your cows, you may need an extra length.
So you can add a few centimeters to your mattresses to better adapt to the size of your animals.
For stalls in livestock buildings, the kneeboard Aqua Board water system brings safety and well-being to the herd, from the movement made to lie down to the lying position chosen by the cow.
Scratching is an important part of a cow's well-being. With Grat'O Gratte, rubber plate-based scratching stations, it's easy to offer your cows several areas in which to indulge this urge.
To help livestock cope with the summer heat, installing a fan is one of the solutions for limiting rising temperatures in the barn. The Cyclone 360 fan with its pulsating air flow
Bioret Agri develops equipment designed for the well-being of dairy cows, with solutions for lying down, moving around and thermal comfort.
Bioret Agri 2024