0033 240 721 230
Reference : 08BC1845 - 08BC1245 - 08BC1807 - 08BC1207

Rubber V6, a non-slip ramp that prevents cows from slipping.

V6 rubber, a flexible and non-slip ramp to facilitate the ascents and descents of vehicule ramps or significant slopes.

Supple and flexible ramps

Our solutions

To facilitate the transport of the animals, it is essential to secure the ramp to climb into the vehicle. Thanks to the V6 rubber, the cows are no longer afraid of slipping.

Too often, accesses to milking parlours have significant slopes and cows fall and are injured. The installation of the V6 rubber secures the area, the cows move easily and safely.

Product benefits
  • Rubber roll, custom made lengths.
  • Easy to clean with a high pressure waterjet.
Technical specifications

Suitable for sloped flooring up to 10% max.


Width: 1200 mm (47.24") or 1800 mm (70.86")


  • 4,5 mm (0.18") in standard use (weight -7 kg (15.4 lbs)/m²) 
  • 7 mm (0.27") in heavy-duty use (weight - 10 kg (22 lbs)/m²)

V6 rubber, a non-slip ramp

BIORET AGRI - ZI de la Sangle, Impasse de la Côte, 44390 Nort-Sur-Erdre

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