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Primistar Ultimate

Mattresses for heifers

Cow mattress

The Primistar Ultimate heifer mattress is adapted to the size of heifers and small animals. The right level of comfort, and animals with good sleeping habits for healthy animals.

Comfort and good habits

Continuous mattresses

Ammonia reduction

Reducing ammonia emissions

Product benefits
More products

Optimum comfort

Latex foam underlay

10-year warranty

5 years at 100% (parts) then 50% on a declining linear basis

Easy maintenance

Continuous mattress

Sustainable innovation
International patents

Benefits of the Primistar Ultimate mattress

An ideal mattress for your smaller frame

Tailored to the size and weight of your heifers, the Primistar mattress coupled with kneeboard Aquaboard is the ideal solution for your farm.

It is also suitable for smaller animals.

Learning to lie down made easy

The Primistar Ultimate allows your pets to develop good habits while having a comfortable mattress.

What's more, this reassures the heifer when it's time to change batches at calving time: already accustomed to the mattress, she'll know how to return to it.

Technical information

Ref : 01PM0035

10 years* warranty
*according to product terms and conditions

Thickness: 40 mm
Length: bay dimensions
Sleeping depth: 1600 mm for heifers from 9 to 18 months Foam density 240 kg/m3

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Optimum comfort

Latex foam underlay