0033 240 721 230
Reference : 03VT0016

V-Twin flooring ensures a reduction of almost 45% of ammonia emissions.

V-Twin is a non-slip flexible rubber flooring made up of slopes to facilitate the collection of liquids. The system thought out and designed for the V-Twin makes it possible to reduce ammonia emissions by 45% for better health of the cows and their dairyman.

Less 45% ammonia emissions

Our solutions

V-Twin is a new alley flooring in which 2 channels are dug to collect the excrements. The concrete of your barn is therefore covered with lightweight plastic honeycomb pieces forming a 3% slope allowing the most liquid part of the effluent to evacuate towards the grooves. A non-slip rubber is rolled out along the entire length of the alley. V-Twin flooring will reduce falls or other injuries for your cows.

The V-Twin system reduces ammonia emissions by 45%. In fact, urine stays on the ground for a shorter time and this therefore improves the health of cows' legs by keeping their hooves as dry as possible.

Product benefits
  • A non-slip alley flooring design for gravity collection of liquids using 3% slopes and 2 channels.
  • Non-deformable textile inlay.
  • Installation in new or renovation.
Technical specifications

Rubber roll, mandatory installation assistance.

Dimensions : 

Thickness: 16 mm (0.63")

Length: custom made

Width: custom made

3% Slope 1500 (59.05") x 750 (29.52") x 30 mm (1.18")

V-Twin alley flooring with slopes cows - Bioret Agri

New flooring type

  • -45% ammonia emissions. 
  • Non-slip to ensure comfort and safety of cows. 
  • Passage of the scraper equipped with rubber fingers for cleaning the grooves. 
  • Improves barn hygiene. 

V-Twin, revêtement de sol souple en caoutchouc pour bovins.

BIORET AGRI - ZI de la Sangle, Impasse de la Côte, 44390 Nort-Sur-Erdre

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