Home > Cow mattresses > Elista Ultimate
The Elista mattress is a latex mattress, covered with Bioret Agri's exclusive NG rubber, the most resistant on the market. It offers maximum comfort and flexibility for your animals.
Better cow comfort
Reducing ammonia emissions
Reducing ammonia emissions
Thanks to its continuous coating
Reduces the risk of hock injuries
5 years at 100% (parts) then 50% on a declining linear basis
The Elista mattress incorporates a latex foam underlay with a density of 300 kg/m³, guaranteeing its durability. This underlay is encased in a PVC film to prevent moisture infiltration.
The fabric design includes drainage grooves and a central area designed to retain sawdust or chopped straw, while featuring a soft, non-abrasive "peach-skin" finish. Thanks to this design, liquids run off naturally.
Installing the Elista mattress reduces the frequency of injuries to the animals' hocks and, in the long term, excessive veterinary expenses.
Ref : 01EM0035
10-year warranty
Concrete slope: straw 3% / slurry 5%
Minimum maintenance: 300g/d/VL*
Latex foam underlay + PVC waterproofing film and rubber coating
Fixings included
* Straw flour, ground straw ...
Dimensions :
Thickness: 40 mm
Depth: 1800 mm
Length: bay dimensions
Used as an anti-slip floor covering and for feeding steps, the V-Bot mat facilitates the evacuation of cattle excrement for pick-up by a robot vacuum cleaner in stall corridors.
In a barn, a feed step keeps cows out of the way of the scraper. The system improves their comfort at the trough, encouraging them to take in their rations and thus produce more milk.
Calving is a crucial moment in a cow's career. For it to go as smoothly as possible, the cow must be provided with comfort and impeccable hygiene. With the Artémis stall, you offer the best possible
Bioret Agri develops equipment designed for the well-being of dairy cows, with solutions for lying down, moving around and thermal comfort.
Bioret Agri 2024