0033 240 721 230
Reference : 01MG0051

With Artemis pen flooring, comfort meets safety.

The Artemis pen was designed and produced with a single objective: to offer optimum comfort, permanent hygiene and extreme safety to your animals during birth. Thanks to the installation of this product, the cow, the calf and the dairyman will experience a calving without stress and in good sanitary conditions. It is important to have a flexible flooring that allows cows' hooves to sink into the flooring for better grip similar to the ground.

A permanent hygiene for an optimum comfort.

Our solutions

Give your cows the best comfort when they need it most! Calving or hospital pens require a lot of comfort. Artemis offers optimal conditions of space and tranquility. The cows are comfortable in this new pen and get back on their feet quickly after giving birth.

Artemis pen with its Magellan design is highly non-slip and self-draining. The flexibility provided by the high-density latex foam helps the cow stand during birth.

Product benefits
  • Magellan 16 mm (0.62") rubber design.
  • Underformable textile inlay.
  • The 25 mm (0.98") high-density latex foam is wrapped with polyan film.
  • High pressure water jet or squeegee cleaning.
Technical specifications

Optional use of chopped straw.

Provide slopes from 3% to 5%.

Dimensions : 

Artemis pen flooring adapts to your dimensions.

Comfort, hygiene and safety

  • Sealing ensured.
  • Easy to clean.
  • Promotes permanent hygiene.
  • Very good resistance for a product that lasts over time.
  • Green block supports all edges and all junctions for an even finish.

Flexible flooring for hospital, maternity or isolation pens.

BIORET AGRI - ZI de la Sangle, Impasse de la Côte, 44390 Nort-Sur-Erdre

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