0033 240 721 230
Reference : 17LA0000

Zen'Eat is a feeding stall for the safety of the cows during feeding.

Zen'Eat is a feeding stall for more security, composed of the Feeding Step and the Divi'Zen

Zen'Eat the concept you need to enhance overall performances of your herd

The Feeding Step is a composite platform for cows installed along the headlocks to prevent them from being disturbed by the scraper.

The Divi'Zen is a cow divider attached to the headlocks with a flexible and removable side rail to prevent jostling around the headlocks. 

The Feeding Stall brings these different products together to provide a feeding area for dairy cows that is safe, hygienic as it provides the ideal positioning and quieter for better feed intake.

Zen'Eat, the feeding stall

BIORET AGRI - ZI de la Sangle, Impasse de la Côte, 44390 Nort-Sur-Erdre

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