0033 240 721 230
Reference : 08FS0000

Major, is a 100% rubber flooring that reduces animal stress during travel.

Major flooring is made of rubber for increased sealing during transport. Its solidity is reinforced by a undeformable textile inlay avoiding the diltation of the rubber, which ensures a very important durability. When moving, the Major rubber absorbs impacts, which preserves the joints.

Stressless road transportation

Our solutions

Major rubber provides better sound insulation when moving, which means less stress for your cows.

The animals are reassured, climb more easily and are quiet and safe during transport.

Product benefits
  • Protects the vehicle floor.
  • Large width without junction up to 3m.
  • Easy to clean with a high pressure waterjet.
Technical specifications

Dimensions :

Thickness: 12 mm (0.47")

Length: custom made

Width: 2400 mm (94.49")

Major, wide width rubber for vehicle floors

BIORET AGRI - ZI de la Sangle, Impasse de la Côte, 44390 Nort-Sur-Erdre

Legal notices Made by MOTION4EVER
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